Our Pest Inspection Team & Eric's Green Thumb Circa 1993. It may have been a blue thumb at that time, I'm sure I watered a bit too much.

About our Harbor

Plant Harbor was started by Eric, who's had the passion for plants and "green thumb" since he was 3 years old. The curiosity started when he was interested in the small baby leaves on his mother's Schefflera and started to prune.. every leaf. Mistakes were made, but lessons were learned as Eric matured and learned how to care for plants indoor and outdoors.

Eric's mother once told him "Plants make a house a home" and that was the first thing he bought when he moved away. With luck he began a collection and the passion began to see the new opportunity.

If Eric would not purchase the plant for his own home, friends or family then you will not receive it either.

Every plant we sell has been grown locally in Florida's Gulf Coast and personally cared for up until the day it's packed for it's ride for it's journey to it's forever home!

Living in Florida it became a no brainer that we could spread some plant love. We are located on the border of USDA Hardiness Zones 9b and 10a which make it a unique place to grow plants just a few miles from the Gulf of Mexico.

With that, Plant Harbor became a Registered Nursery in the State of Florida.

It is our goal to provide healthy, locally grown plants as a small business to share the benefits and joy of getting "planty" at home.

We have a commitment towards being environmentally friendly. This includes reducing our power & water consumption by using a custom designed smart control system. Our greenhouse is positioned to receive some shade during the hottest part of the day. We have pots outside of our greenhouse with plants that are attractive to beneficial insects so they can come by our harbor for some nectar and graze for any stow away pests.

We an independent grower, the same person propagated your plant, watered it, fertilized it, took pictures for our online store and will eventually be the person who ships it to your home. Our Greenhouse is licensed and inspected ensuring that we meet standards to give you a healthy plant to enjoy. We care about our plants, that is our passion and we want you to be happy with your plant!

Shop Small! Some places you may buy a plant from may really not care if you buy the plant, or it's sold with pests. I've seen stores just toss plants because they weren't selling quick enough, as if it's the plants fault. I think I speak for many small business owners here but a single purchase can make a small business owners day. Here at Plant Harbor, Plants are "our" thing!